Closing Panel: Why and how should water management & WASH sector actors reach out to other sectors?

To ensure water security for everyone, we need multisectoral approaches – water and WASH sectors need to be working with agriculture, energy, tourism, urban planners, and other major water users. But how can water management and WASH actors approach working with these sectors?

Join this multisectoral panel as we discuss this challenge. We’ll discuss with actors from agriculture, energy, tourism and urban planning, their experiences working with water and WASH sectors, and ask them “What should we in the water and WASH sector say and do to promote multi-sectoral collaboration?

Panel Facilitator

Richard Damania

Richard Damania

Chief Economist
Sustainable Development Practice Group
World Bank


Christina Leala-Gale

Christina Leala-Gale

Manager for Sustainable Tourism Development South Pacific Tourism Organization

Dr Tristan Armstrong

Dr Tristan Armstrong

Senior Sector Specialist
Agricultural Development and Food Security
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)

Saurabh Kumar

Saurabh Kumar

Energy Consultant, India

Emma O'Neill

Emma O’Neill

Manager Environment & Planning

Panel Recording

The Water and WASH Futures team are pleased to have partnered with the following organisations to deliver this forum.

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade provides foreign, trade and development policy advice to the Government. We work with other government agencies to ensure that Australia’s pursuit of its global, regional and bilateral interests is coordinated effectively

The International WaterCentre seeks to develop the skills and knowledge in individuals, communities and organisations to drive systemic and lasting change.
IWC does this by employing a diverse range of strategies that have integrated approaches to water management at their core to strengthen the capabilities of individuals, communities and organisations.

Water for Women is the Australian Government’s flagship water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) program supporting improved health, gender equality and wellbeing in Asian and Pacific communities through socially inclusive and sustainable WASH projects and research.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) envisions a water-secure and resilient Asia and the Pacific, supporting ADB developing member countries through investments for better water services and careful management of water resources.

The Water and WASH Futures team are grateful to have received sponsorship from the following organisations for this event: