Oral Presentations:
Strengthening enabling environments

Improving the resilience of water resource and WASH management and services requires engaging with the human and governance systems behind decision-making and resource allocation. Progressing net-zero approaches to water resources and WASH requires human and governance systems that extend well-beyond these sectors. Achieving the ambitions – of resilient and climate-mitigating water and WASH systems will require enabling environments to embrace a systems view. 

A systems perspective helps us to recognise that the water resources and WASH enabling environment need to work effectively as a whole system and is only as strong as its weakest component. A strong enabling system provides the legal, organisational, fiscal, informational, political and cultural contexts to make ‘good’ decisions. Such a system would include clear institutional arrangements, legal and regulatory frameworks, inclusive stakeholder engagement, be supportive of innovation, and require transparency and accountability. It should connect across and between scales, from local to international, and across institutional siloes. 

A systems perspective also emphasizes water’s interconnections and interdependencies with many other sectors. Water-related institutions and actors must seek collaborations with other sectors – this too requires capacities, political and cultural contexts that enable such cross-sectoral action and learning of lessons. We must strengthen various aspects of WRM and WASH governance and enabling environments to ensure sound and inclusive water governance that respects and builds on social and environmental capital. 


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Session F1: Urban governance processes to support climate resilient water and sanitation


Facilitated by Alexandra Conroy, Asian Development Bank


Building a viable governance model for peri-urban piped water supply in Papua New Guinea - Tim Davis, WaterAid Australia

Building a viable governance model for peri-urban piped water supply in Papua New Guinea – Tim Davis, WaterAid Australia

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Engaging with urban planning for climate-resilient WASH - Melanesian informal settlements - Camari Koto, University of the South Pacific & Rosie Sanderson, International WaterCentre

Engaging with urban planning for climate-resilient WASH – Melanesian informal settlements – Camari Koto, University of the South Pacific & Rosie Sanderson, International WaterCentre

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Session F2: Governance models to support rural water supply and sanitation


Facilitated by Michael Wilson, eWater Limited


Backstopping rural water management in Solomon Islands and Fiji - Sarah Pene, University of the South Pacific

Backstopping rural water management in Solomon Islands and Fiji – Sarah Pene, University of the South Pacific

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Session F3: Innovations in finance for water management and WASH


Facilitated by Joel Kolker, World Bank


Passing the buck: Fiscal decentralisation in the WASH sector - Sokha Mok, WaterAid Cambodia

Passing the buck: Fiscal decentralisation in the WASH sector – Sokha Mok, WaterAid Cambodia

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Session F4: Building Governance Systems for Climate Resilient water management, water supply and sanitation


Facilitated by Henry Northover, Independent Consultant


Strengthening WASH systems with partnerships between WASH and gender equality organisations in Timor-Leste - Livia Da Costa, WaterAid Timor-Leste

Strengthening WASH systems with partnerships between WASH and gender equality organisations in Timor-Leste – Livia Da Costa, WaterAid Timor-Leste

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Who is critical to water and WASH systems? - Fraser Goff, WaterAid Australia

Who is critical to water and WASH systems? – Fraser Goff, WaterAid Australia

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Session F5: Doing things differently – novel approaches for building climate resilient WASH and WRM


Facilitated by Naomi Carrard, University of Technology, Sydney, Institute for Sustainable Futures


System strengthening in action: Evaluation of the New Zealand Government Funded Vanuatu Water Sector Partnership - Lisa Faerua, GEDSI advisor, Vanuatu

System strengthening in action: Evaluation of the New Zealand Government Funded Vanuatu Water Sector Partnership – Lisa Faerua, GEDSI advisor, Vanuatu

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Localisation for Transformation - Wahyu Triwahyudi, Plan International Australia

Localisation for Transformation – Wahyu Triwahyudi, Plan International Australia

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Investing time during the scoping to build empathy and understanding of communities - Mitch Horrocks, Engineers Without Borders Australia

Investing time during the scoping to build empathy and understanding of communities – Mitch Horrocks, Engineers Without Borders Australia

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Session F6: Institutional Reform and Partnerships, Supporting integrated WASH and WRM: Institutions, partnerships and systems


Facilitated by Tony Slatyer, Consultant on Water Policy and Governance


Developing inclusive WASH and Integrated Water Management frameworks for practitioners - John Kelleher, Plan International Australia

Developing inclusive WASH and Integrated Water Management frameworks for practitioners – John Kelleher, Plan International Australia

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Reminder: Full Conference Resources are available!

The Water and WASH Futures team are pleased to partner with the following organisations to deliver this conference.

The Water and WASH Futures team are grateful to have received sponsorship from the following organisations for this event: