Oral Presentations:
Tackling local water security and scarcity

SDG 6 sets clear targets for the world to manage water resources efficiently, meeting water demands for people, environment and production. Often those demands are competing and being able to balance them is an essential element of successful water management. There is a growing urgency to collaborate across sustainable water management and WASH as the frequency, severity and unpredictability of droughts, floods and other natural disasters increases with climate change, as does the risk of social conflicts. This is causing significant short- and long-term impacts to water local water security – particularly in terms of the availability and delivery of sufficient quantities of water with sufficient qualities to sustain livelihoods, well-being, and socio-economic development, and to protect against water-related disasters in a climate. 

As more complex, inter-dependent challenges arise, so do new windows of opportunity to explore integrated approaches and innovative solutions. At the local level, where many water users are also water supply and resource managers, leveraging existing knowledge and participation are fundamental to sustaining local water security with peace and political stability, and in the face of climate change with its localised effects. But without connection to the management of land and water issues affecting whole water cycles and catchment, these critical local efforts can be undermined. 


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Session A1: Using information to guide water security decisions


Facilitated by Shona Fitzgerald, World Bank


Addressing increasing water scarcity in the Asia Pacific Region - Katharine Cross, Australian Water Partnership

Addressing increasing water scarcity in the Asia Pacific Region – Katharine Cross, Australian Water Partnership

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Tackling local water security with innovative technologies and approaches - Dulce Soares, Similie

Tackling local water security with innovative technologies and approaches – Dulce Soares, Similie

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Session A3: Linking community water security water cycles and catchments in the Pacific Islands


Facilitated by Mary Alalo, The Pacific Community


Are we on track to meet universal safe water access in Vanuatu? Review of the National Implementation Plan Progress in Vanuatu - Erickson Sammy, Department of Water Resources, Vanuatu

Are we on track to meet universal safe water access in Vanuatu? Review of the National Implementation Plan Progress in Vanuatu – Erickson Sammy, Department of Water Resources, Vanuatu

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Why are Solar Water Systems failing in Vanuatu? - Jake Ward, The Pacific Community (SPC) (pre-record)

Why are Solar Water Systems failing in Vanuatu? – Jake Ward, The Pacific Community (SPC) (pre-record)

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Localising water safety planning: Lessons from Vanuatu and Fiji - Regina Souter, International WaterCentre

Localising water safety planning: Lessons from Vanuatu and Fiji – Regina Souter, International WaterCentre

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Increasing rural drinking water security within Fijian watersheds - Jacqueline Thomas, The University of Sydney

Increasing rural drinking water security within Fijian watersheds – Jacqueline Thomas, The University of Sydney

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Photovoice and inter-community dialogue for catchment management in Solomon Islands - Tema Wickham, Plan International Solomon Islands & Samantha Kies-Ryan, Earth, Water, People

Photovoice and inter-community dialogue for catchment management in Solomon Islands – Tema Wickham, Plan International Solomon Islands & Samantha Kies-Ryan, Earth, Water, People

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Session A3 - Panel Question & Answer

Session A3 – Panel Question & Answer

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A4: Community water management in the face of water scarcity


Facilitated by Kamal Dahanayake, Asian Development Bank


Water is everyone's business: Social marketing to motivate water committees and communities, Mark Love, International WaterCentre & Sheila Funubo, Solomon Islands National University

Water is everyone’s business: Social marketing to motivate water committees and communities, Mark Love, International WaterCentre & Sheila Funubo, Solomon Islands National University

pdf 30.51MB

Reminder: Full Conference Resources are available!

The Water and WASH Futures team are pleased to partner with the following organisations to deliver this conference.

The Water and WASH Futures team are grateful to have received sponsorship from the following organisations for this event: