Workshop: WASH enterprises: Lessons from COVID and the resilience of sanitation and hygiene enterprises to future shocks and stresses
Convenors: Grand Challenges Canada Aguaconsult
Venture Resilience: Covid-19 has tested the world’s ability to respond to shocks and stresses, including some seeing it as a test to the challenges expected from climate change or future pandemics.
Drawing from the experience of 4-5 of our sanitation innovators, we will discuss the lessons that were learned from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, and propose areas for future investment to increase their resilience to climate change. The key questions that will be considered include:
1. What challenges and opportunities were / are being faced by the different ventures?
2. What were / are the impacts on the ventures, employees, clients, and overall ecosystem?
3. How did the venture respond to these challenges and opportunities? What would they have done differently?
These lessons were drawn from the knowledge brief: LESSONS FROM COVID-19 The Resilience of Innovative Sanitation and Hygiene Ventures which explores the impact on 11 ventures supported by Grand Challenges Canada (GCC) operating across Africa, Asia and Latin America. It outlines their responses to the outbreak and potential lessons for a changing global climate. This knowledge brief was undertaken by Aguaconsult Ltd on behalf of Grand Challenges Canada and is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.